Associate professor Zhu Chunyan held a lecture and exchange session with Full-Enlish Teaching Team
In December 2020, English teaching team invited Associate Professor Zhu Chunyan from Hebei University of Technology to made a English teaching lecture on Changqing Campus.
Associate Professor Zhu Chunyan holds a PhD in Management from the Department of Accounting, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University, and a postdoctoral degree in Economics at the Institute of Financial Development, Nankai University. Now she is the Director of the Accounting Department of the School of Economics and Management, Hebei University of Technology. She is also an anonymous reviewer of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, an anonymous reviewer of Journal of Business and Ethics, an anonymous reviewer of Economic Research and an anonymous reviewer of China Finance Review International. She is awarded as "Outstanding Talent of Audit Theory Research" of National Audit Office and "Third-level Innovative Talents of '131' in Tianjin Universities" of Tianjin Municipality.
First of all, Associate Professor Zhu Chunyan gave a vivid teaching demonstration with the theme of "Accounting In Action". In the process of classroom teaching, professor Zhu Chunyan talked about the hot spot case (Ruixing Coffee, etc), and introduced how to identify accounting activities and how the accounting information was affected by accounting activities. She also talked about the ethics in the accounting concept framework and the important role of ethics in accounting activities.
Then, Professor Zhu Chunyan shared her English teaching experience in terms of pre-class preparation, classroom teaching and after-class inspection. In addition to keeping up with current cases and making full use of online resources, she advised teachers to prepare well for classes. In addition, She suggested that Harvard Business School, Richard Ivey School of Business, China Business Administration Case Bank, China Business Administration International Case Bank and other resources should be used to enrich the teaching content. In class teaching, every teacher should try best to use simple English sentence structure to ensure students' acceptance and pay attention to students' response in class. At the same time, every teacher should try to integrate ideological and political elements and life elements into the classroom. For after-class investigation, it is necessary to ensure that students understand and fully accept the investigation method and ensure the validity of the assessment results.

朱春艳副教授是北京大学光华管理学院会计系管理学博士,南开大学金融发展研究院经济学博士后。现任河北工业大学经济与管理学院会计系主任。兼任国家自然科学基金评审专家、Journal of Business and Ethics 匿名评审、《经济研究》匿名评审和China Finance Review International 匿名评审。审计署 “审计理论研究骨干”和天津市 “天津市高校‘131’创新型人才第三层次人才”。
首先,朱春艳副教授进行了生动的教学示范课,示范课的主题是“Accounting In Action”。在课堂讲授过程中,朱教授结合当下的热点案例(瑞幸咖啡造假,金发科技口罩合同告吹等),介绍了如何识别会计活动、会计信息使用者的利益如何被会计活动影响,以及会计概念框架体系中的道德规范如何在会计活动中发挥重要作用。
随后,朱教授从课前准备、课堂讲授和课后考察等方面进行了英文授课经验分享。她建议老师们在课前准备过程中,除了紧跟时事案例、充分利用网络资源之外,还可以灵活应用Harvard Business School and Richard Ivey School of Business、中国工商管理案例库、中国工商管理国际案例库等资源丰富教学内容。在课堂讲授中,要尽量使用简单的英文句式结构,保证学生的接受程度,注意学生的课堂反应,灵活调整课堂节奏和方式。用有趣的故事吸引学生的注意力是非常必要的,要让课堂内容延伸到科研领域,并力求将思政元素和生活元素融入课堂。对于课后考察,则要确保学生对于考察方式的理解和充分接受,确保考核结果的有效性。