
Yuan Wenhua

山东大学博士 副教授,硕导

        袁文华,1986年,四川眉山人,副教授,硕导。2009年,于山东大学外国语学院的科技英语专业攻读学士学位; 2014年,于山东大学经济学院的国民经济学专业攻读博士学位;20149月,进入山东师范大学商学院工作目前的研究重点是城市更新与城市群的可持续发展。此外,主要兴趣点还包括协同决策过程,特别是在区域品牌资源管理领域。Journal of Cleaner Production、《中国人口·资源与环境》、《经济地理》等SSCI/CSSCI学术期刊发表论文20余篇,出版学术著作1部。主持博士后科学基金、山东省自然科学基金等省部级课题6项。

         In 1986, Wenhua Yuan was born in Meishan, Sichuan Province. In 2009, she studied for a bachelor's degree in English for science and technology in the foreign languages school of Shandong University; in 2014, she studied for the doctor's degree in national economics in the school of economics of Shandong University; in September 2014, she entered the Business School of Shandong Normal University. Her current research centers on urban renewal and sustainable development of urban agglomerations. Further, she is interested in collaborative decision making processes, particularly in the realm of reginal brand resource management. She published more than 20 papers in SSCI / CSSCI academic journals such as Journal of Cleaner Production, China's Population, Resources and Environment, and Economic Geography, published one academic work, and obtained 6 Fund grants such as Postdoctoral Science Foundation and Shandong natural science foundation.