On June 3th 2021, the Full-English teaching team organized a unique and open class demonstration in Room C252 of Changqing Campus. The teachers who are responsible for the full-English teaching task in this semester are Associate Professor Zhu Jin( Management), Associate Professor Zhang Jing(Financial Management) and Associate Professor Duan Chunmei(Big Data Analysis and Prediction). Those three teachers conducted teaching demonstrations. Vice Dean Liu Lina and Vice Dean Liu Zuankuo attended the seminar. Professor Xiang Dong and teachers undertaking English teaching tasks also joined the seminar.
Zhu Jin's teaching section was "Leadership and Trust". She described in detail the leadership model and Fiedler's contingency theory. In the course of teaching, Ms. Zhu Jin used questionnaire survey, small card interaction and other methods to fully motivate students to participate in the class, making the difficult concepts vivid and easy to understand. In addition, Ms.Zhu Jin comprehensively shared her experience in teaching preparation, course review and assessment methods.
Zhang Jing's teaching section was "Break-Even Analysis". She introduced in detail the cost structure and break-even analysis in financial management. In the course of teaching, Ms. Zhang Jing vividly deconstructed the complex theoretical knowledge with illustrations and examples. In addition, Ms. Zhang Jing made good use of blackboard writing to drive students’ thinking process. After the lecture, Ms. Zhang Jing showed the students' mind maps and the pictures of the class practice. She also shared her thoughts about the lecture.
Duan Chunmei's teaching section was "Python Functions". She explained in detail the theory of Python and how to write it. Her teaching style is humorous and her English pronunciation is standard and idiomatic. The teaching language is fluent and vivid, which were praised by both teachers and students. Ms Duan attached great importance to the enlightenment and guidance of classroom questioning. After the lecture, Ms. Duan talked about the difficulties she encountered in the teaching process and her solutions.
Afterwards, the team members made comments and in-depth discussions on the three teachers' open class. Professor Xiang Dong made in-depth comments on how to strengthen the interaction with students and other issues, and put forward valuable suggestions that teachers should focus on the important and difficult issues and pay attention to the combination of Chinese and English in teaching. Associate Professor Wu Mengna put forward effective improvement methods in terms of organizing teaching, stimulating student interaction, classroom management. Associate Professor Li Feifei emphasized the importance of process assessment and teaching structure reconstruction. Open class display is a platform for teachers to learn and communicate with each other, as well as a method to supervise and evaluate the teaching effect of English courses. In the future, the full-English teaching team will take the open class system as a normal working mechanism and continue to promote and improve it firmly.

朱瑾副教授的教学节段为“Leadership and Trust”。她详细介绍了领导力模型以及费德勒权变理论。朱老师在授课过程中利用问卷调查、小卡片互动等方法充分调动学生参与积极性,将较难理解的概念变得生动、易懂。此外,朱瑾老师就授课准备、课程复习和考核方法等方面与各位老师进行了经验分享。
张静副教授的授课节段为“Break-Even Analysis”。她详细介绍了财务管理中的成本构成及收支平衡分析。张老师在讲授过程中图文并茂,结合实例将复杂的理论知识进行了生动解构。此外,张静老师合理利用板书,以板书带动学生的思维过程。授课结束后,张静老师展示了学生们亲自绘制的思维导图和课堂现场练习图片,并生动分享了自己的授课感悟。
段春梅副教授的授课节段为“Python Functions”。她详细介绍了Python理论以及编写方法。段老师授课方式轻松有度,语言流畅生动,标准地道的英语发音受到了在场老师和学生的称赞。段老师十分重视课堂提问的启发性与引导性。授课结束后,段老师就教学过程中遇到的困难及解决方式与各位老师进行了分享。