Full-English Teaching Team Organized the Third Open Class Demonstration
On Dec 23, 2021, Full English Teaching Team Program of College of Business organized an open class in classroom C349 of Changing Campus. Dr. Zhang Jinyan, who is responsible for teaching 《Customer Relationship Management》 Dr. Sun Shuguang, who is teaching 《Job Analysis and Organizational Design》, and Dr Yu Weina who is teaching《Human Resource Management》and Dr Li Fei Fei who is teaching《Marketing》conducted their teaching demonstrations. Deputy Dean Liu Zuankuo, Professor Xiang Dong and the college teaching supervision team, Dr. Wu Mengna, Dr. You Xuemei, Dr.Li Yang, Dr. Wang Zhongmei, Dr. Pan Huali, as well as many teachers of England Teaching Team actively took part in the discussion, sharing and comments. 
Zhang Jinyan's teaching section was "Loyalty Management". She introduced the definition and application of customer loyalty in details, with illustrated PowerPoint, and actively mobilized students' enthusiasm in class by using interaction and games during the lecture. Dr. Zhang made the difficult concepts vivid and easy to understand, and made the teaching fun and educational by integrating with students. In addition, Drs. Zhang Jinyan shared her experience with the teachers on the preparation of lectures, course content arrangement and assessment methods.

Sun Shuguang's lecture section was "Job analysis". She introduced the definition and content of job analysis as well as the results of job analysis in details. During the lecture, Dr. Sun combined video clips and examples to deconstruct the complex theoretical knowledge vividly. After the lecture, she shared her insights of the lecture. She said that the production of English courseware is a process of inputting and outputting at the same time. While continuously enriching her knowledge system, she was able to condense the knowledge and find ways to transfer it to students so that they can absorb it more easily.

Dr Yu's session was "Calculating the ROI of HR-related Investments". She introduced the theory of return on investment and the calculation method in detail. She emphasized the importance of stimulating and guiding questions in class. After the lecture, She shared with the teachers the difficulties and solutions she encountered during the teaching process, and also talked about how she had to write a verbatim script for each class in order to prepare for the English class, and that she had written a whole book of teaching handouts over the course of the semester. It was a difficult process, but it greatly improved my English teaching and ensured the quality of teaching in the classroom, putting the responsibility to students first.

The last person to share was Dr Li Feifei. Her lecture section was "Market Segmentation". She was highly praised by the teachers and students for her relaxed teaching style, vivid content and standard pronunciation of language. Dr Li's lecture on market segmentation content was from shallow to deep, from point to point, using questions as clues to drive the course content to unfold continuously. She showed the theoretical content with enterprise examples, fully used "case study", arranged "off-class questions", and put the "before class-in class-after class" aspects of the course. The teaching content of each part of the course was reconstructed to realize the richness, vividness and inspiration of the English class.

Afterwards, Prof. Xiang Dong and the teachers of the teaching supervision team commented on the effectiveness of today's lectures. Prof. Xiang Dong inspired everyone to think about how to integrate the characteristics of Chinese and English courses and teach English courses well to Chinese students, especially how to learn from the teaching concepts and methods of foreign universities. Dr Wu Mengna fully affirmed and encouraged the teachers' teaching effectiveness and suggested effective improvement methods around how to effectively organize teaching, stimulate student interaction, and effective classroom management. Dr Li Fei Fei re-emphasized the suggestions to focus on process assessment, teaching design and teaching structure reengineering.
Finally, Deputy Dean Liu Zuankuo made a summary comment on the open class. He highly recognized and encouraged the teachers' work, and expressed his full support for the All-English teaching team to continue to study the teaching effect, create a high-quality course, and bring more vivid and rich English courses to students. The open class demonstration is a platform for the teachers of the All-English team to learn and communicate with each other, and also a means to supervise and evaluate the effectiveness of All-English teaching. The all-English teaching team will continue to firmly promote and improve the open class system as a regular working mechanism.
张金艳老师的教学节段为《Loyalty Management》。她详细介绍了顾客忠诚的界定与应用,ppt图文并茂,并在授课过程中利用互动、游戏等方法积极调动同学的课堂积极性。张老师将较难理解的概念变得生动、易懂,与学生互融互通,使得英文教学寓教于乐。此外,张金艳老师就授课准备、课程内容安排和考核方法等方面与各位老师进行了经验分享。
孙曙光老师的授课节段为《Job analysis》。她详细介绍了工作分析的定义、内容以及工作分析的结果。孙老师在讲授过程中结合视频片段与实例,将复杂的理论知识进行了生动解构。授课结束后,孙曙光老师分享了自己的授课感悟。她说英文课件的制作是一个边输入、边输出的过程,在不断丰富自身知识体系的同时,能够将知识进行凝练,并想办法将知识传授给学生,让学生更轻松地吸收知识。
于维娜老师的授课节段为《Calculating the ROI of HR-related Investments》。她详细介绍了投资回报理论以及计算方法。于维娜老师十分重视课堂提问的启发性与引导性。授课结束后,于老师就教学过程中遇到的困难、解决方式与各位老师进行了分享,也谈及自己为了备好英文课,每堂课都要写逐字稿,一个学期下来,写了整整一本书厚度的教学讲义。这是一个艰辛的过程,但大大提高了自己的英文教学水平,充分保证了课堂的教学质量,要把对学生负责放在第一位。
最后进行分享的是李斐斐老师。她的授课节段为《Market Segmentation》。李老师授课方式的轻松有度,内容充实生动,语言发音标准地道,受到了在场老师和学生的高度称赞。李老师对市场细分内容的讲授,由浅入深、由点到面,以问题为线索推动课程内容不断展开。以企业实例展示理论内容,充分运用“case study”,布置“Off-class questions”,将“课前—上课—课后”各环节的教学内容进行重构,实现英文课堂的充实性、生动性和启发性。